
How to Crack SSH Private Key PassPhrase

Cracking SSH Private key passphrase

Using John the Ripper!

Step 1 :

Copy the SSH key you want to crack.
cp /.ssh/id_rsa id_rsa

Step 2 :

To brute-force using john, we have to convert it into a suitable format. For this, we can use This comes pre-installed in Kali Linux. You can find it using locate command and copy it to your current working directory.
updatedb #updatedb creates or updates a database used by locate(1)
cp $(locate

Step 3 :

Next, you have to create a hash file from the id_rsa file to use it with john.
python id_rsa > id_rsa.hash

Step 4 :

To conduct the brute force, you need a wordlist. You can try the rockyou wordlist pre-installed in Kali Linux.
locate rockyou.txt.gz
cp $(locate rockyou.txt.gz) .
Unzip the file,
gunzip rockyou.txt.gz

Step 5 :

At last, we can use john to crack the hash using rockyou.txt and retrieve the passphrase.
john id_rsa.hash -wordlist=rockyou.txt

Good Luck cracking it!

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