
Top 40+ Sites To Buy BTC & Other CryptoCurrency

🔹 Coinbase - https://www.coinbase.com - Rating: 9.85

🔹 Localbitcoins - https://localbitcoins.com - Rating: 9.65

🔹 Bitpanda - https://www.bitpanda.com - Rating: 9.50

🔹 Coinhouse - https://www.coinhouse.io - Rating: 9.25

🔹 Shapeshift - https://shapeshift.io - Rating: 9.15

🔹 Kraken - https://www.kraken.com - Rating: 9.15

🔹 Cex - https://cex.io - Rating: 9.10

🔹 Bitstamp - https://www.bitstamp.net - Rating: 9.00

🔹 Paxful - https://paxful.com - Rating: 8.95

🔹 Therocktrading - https://www.therocktrading.com - Rating: 8.70

🔹 247Exchange - https://www.247exchange.com - Rating: 8.65

🔹 Virvox - https://www.virwox.com - Rating: 8.65

🔹 Bittrex - https://bittrex.com - Rating: 8.50

🔹 Okcoin - https://www.okcoin.com - Rating: 8.45

🔹 Coinfloor - https://coinfloor.co.uk - Rating: 8.25

🔹 Anycoindirect - https://anycoindirect.eu - Rating: 8.15

🔹 Circle - https://www.circle.com - Rating: 8.10

🔹 Bitsquare - https://bitsquare.io - Rating: 8.10

🔹 Itbit - https://www.itbit.com - Rating: 8.10

🔹 Huobi - https://www.huobi.com - Rating: 8.05

🔹 BTC38 - www.btc38.com - Rating: 8.00

🔹 Alfacashier - https://www.alfacashier.com - Rating: 7.90

🔹 Hitbit - https://hitbtc.com - Rating: 7.80

🔹 Coinmama - https://www.coinmama.com - Rating: 7.75

🔹 Bitcoin.de - https://www.bitcoin.de - Rating: 7.70

🔹 Loyalbit - https://www.loyalbit.com - Rating: 7.70

🔹 Quoine - https://www.quoine.com - Rating: 7.55

🔹 Ice3x - https://ice3x.com - Rating: 7.45

🔹 Vaultoro - https://www.vaultoro.com - Rating: 7.30

🔹 Bitray - https://www.bitbay.net - Rating: 7.20

🔹 Anxpro - https://anxpro.com - Rating: 7.15

🔹 Coinmate - https://coinmate.io - Rating: 7.10

🔹 Btcc - https://www.btcc.com - Rating: 7.05

🔹 Changelly - https://changelly.com - Rating: 6.80

🔹 Btcmarkets - https://btcmarkets.net - Rating: 6.75

🔹 Bit2c - https://www.bit2c.co.il - Rating: 6.75

🔹 Paymium - https://paymium.com - Rating: 6.50

🔹 Bx - https://bx.in.th - Rating: 6.40

🔹 Bitcoin.co - https://www.bitcoin.co.id - Rating: 6.25

🔹 Magnr - https://magnr.com - Rating: 6.20

🔹 Gemini - https://gemini.com - Rating: 6.15

🔹 Exmo - https://exmo.com - Rating: 6.10

🔹 Quadrigacx - https://www.quadrigacx.com - Rating: 6.10

🔹 Bitcurex - https://bitcurex.com - Rating: 6.05

🔹 Bter - https://bter.com - Rating: 6.00

Hopefully the list of bitcoin exchanges above will be of good use for how to buy or trade bitcoins.

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