
Anti-Fraud Must Read Tips

Below is the official information from the Maxmind website about what their automated system can do in real time.
Are you missing anything or need to improve ?


IP address checks (Check IP address on Black, Risk, Proxy)
Country Match (Does the country listed in Billing match the IP?)
High Risk Country (Country with a high level of fraud? Nigeria, Russia, Israel for example)
Distance between IP and billing locations (Distance between IP and Billing address)
City Name
Region Code
Region Name
Country Code
Country Name
Continent Code
Latitude / Longitude (Geo coordinates)
US Postal Code
Time Zone
AS Number (I do not know what it is)
User Type (Browser)
Connection Type (Connection type - proxy for example)
Domain Name (Domain)
ISP / Organization (Provider)
Accuracy Radius (Accuracy of determination)
Country Confidence Factor
Region Confidence Factor (Same for the region
City Confidence Factor (City Match)
Postal Code Confidence Factor (Post Code)
Proxy Detection
Anonymous Proxy
Open Proxy
Corporate Proxy
Email Checks
Free Email (Specified free email?)
High Risk Email?
Issuing Bank Number (BIN) Checks
BIN Country Match
BIN Country Output
BIN Name Match
BIN Name Output
BIN Phone Match
BIN Phone Output
BIN Prepaid Output (Prepaid card?)
Address Check (AVS Check)
High-risk shipping address
Risk Score

These are the basic factors that you need to have in mind if you are in carding/Illegal work
you going to face this lots of stupid hurdles, Its upto you how nicely you kill them 

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