
How To Get Any OG @live, @hotmail, and @MSN email

Step 1) Go to and creates any email address, or any email address (for the purpose of this, let's say

Step 2) We create the email address, log in, and then continue to

Step 3) Inspect element over "", and open the code for the page, and find this line:

Step 4) You then edit the code accordingly to which ever Microsoft live, hotmail, passport, msn, etc domain that you want like so:

Step 5) Then set the current email as a currently taken/claimed email address, for example "" like so:

Step 6) This then causes the page to refresh in order to inform you that "" is taken, but since the code has been edited, you are presented with the following:

Step 7) Hit "add alias"

Step 8) DONE!

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